Wednesday 10 December 2014

Health Benefits of Zumba

Health Benefits of ZumbaInterested in trying out Zumba? Enthusiasts know it's a killer workout with addictive music and a committed following. But if you're on the fence about whether it's for you, check out these healthy benefits of dancing down from Zumba instructor and education specialist Kass Martin. "I always tell people to give it three classes when they're first starting out," she says. "Once you go a few times, you start to recognize the repetitions in the dances, you'll start to get it, and you'll be hooked!"   You wouldn’t dare missing the huge calorie burn Zumba can give your body. The average number of calorie burn is an amazing 817 in an hour.   One can have total body toning, too. You engage a ton of muscles unaware that you’re incorporating traditional fitness moves like squats and lunges in your choreography. It tightens and tones your body from head to toe.   It keeps you coming back. Not only because it’s one of the latest trends, Zumba is so enjoyable and fun compared to other forms of workout out there. You will keep coming back once you have tried it. It completely changes the idea of exercise because it’s something you look forward to each time.   You will get amazing results. Zumba-ers can feel fast and good results in their weight. They may get tired and easily quit from other forms of strenuous workout to shed some pounds but Zumba was proven to reduce weight after some sessions.   You will feel lighter after a few sessions. The weight loss can vary from person to person but it is proven that Zumba-ers feel lighter after several workouts. If they feel quite heavy before trying the fitness program, they would soon experience the astounding after effects, that they can’t even believe themselves at first. There are many wonderful testimonials of Zumba-ers everywhere stating the amazing results they obtained after Zumba-ing their way to health and fitness. There is no harm in trying for any form of exercise is beneficial for the body especially those who lead sedentary lives, couch potatoes, and sitting all day in front of the computer doing paper works. Those who have some heart problems, though are advised to consult their doctors first before engaging in Zumba’s strenuous physical activity. Zumba is a cardio exercise which fastens the beat of one’s heart and thus not recommended to those who have heart complications.
Check out our classes at ZumbaSG

Wednesday 12 November 2014

The Science behind Zumba

We all love to exercise so that we look good and shed off some extra weight. Many workout routines are out there that can help you lose those extra pounds. Sometimes when your body gets used to a particular workout routine and then no more weight loss. What happens when it gets to this level? It is time to consider enrolling into a Zumba dance class.

where can i take zumba classes

Zumba dance classes have been around for quite some time now. It was started in the 90’s by a Latin trainer called Perez. It has now become a popular workout all the world. People are now dancing to these great Latin dance moves. There is nothing hard with this workout, all you have to do is enjoy yourself and exercise your body in the process.

science behind zumba

Why Zumba dance classes are good for weight loss

The main reason why people go to a gym to workout is that they want to lose some weight. Zumba dance class is good for your health. Weight loss involves burning several calories per workout session. Many blogs will state that you could burn over 1000 calories per session. Even if it is true that you will burn some calories, that figure it too high and unrealistic. Depending on the intensity of a Zumba class, a person is likely to lose between 300 to 600 calories. In addition, it depends on the level of commitment of a person.

What to expect from a Zumba dance class

A Zumba dance class is an easy workout that many people love. It involves dancing so you can be sure that people will feel like it is what they want in a routine. The dance moves are easy to follow even if you have never danced before.

A normal Zumba dance will last for about an hour of intense workout. After such a session, students always feel they have burned enough calories in the body. Most people after the workout, they might not lift weights as an additional workout.

Every Zumba trainer is licensed and are free to create their own fitness routine. However, at the end you will discover that these routines are almost the same just a different sequence of execution.

Check out our previous post

Tuesday 11 November 2014

How Is It Like In A Zumba Class?

This is a story of a student of ours, on her experience with her first Zumba Class!

Find zumba classes near you

I first heard about zumba from a friend of mine who was so desperate on losing some weight. I was not enticed to try it at first because I was dedicated to the ‘workout method.’ I wasn’t sold out that this so called zumba is effective, not until another friend of mine began to shape up some curves after secretly attending zumba classes for months.

So I thought, ‘Why don’t I give it a try?’

But, I didn't totally jumped into the pool yet. What I did was, I downloaded some zumba class videos from the internet and began trying it out myself. My first impression was not really good. I thought that it was as if I was making a fool out of myself; good thing I was the only one on my room.

As a person who was fond of doing the gym sessions, I had a hard time leveling off with this new environment. The instructor or the lead dancer did not talk much as compared to the gym instructors; it seemed like the lead dancer and his students have an invisible connection. The songs were fast and foreign; there were a couple of Latin and Spanish songs I think. Aside from being confused with the lyrics, I was also constantly surprised by the sudden transitions of the different dances of zumba; which I was totally clueless about.

And the most intriguing part of it was that the students seemed to be really having fun. They were laughing, smiling, and totally into it. I thought, ‘What’s wrong with me?’ and ‘What’s up with these people?’

The following days, I approached my friend who, as I claimed, was a proof of its effectiveness. I told her how funny my first zumba session was and her reaction was not what I expected. She laughed at me and said that she can totally relate. Before we parted ways, she strongly advised me not to stop and give it some time. She said that I should feel the music. I, on the other hand, just simply raised my eyebrow as if she just blurted out a ridiculous statement.

But I followed her anyway.

On the following sessions, I tried my best to loosen myself. I tried to feel the music as what my friend said. Sessions after sessions, I observed that the dances were not really difficult, in fact, all of them were quite simple.

I learned that the reason why the students on the videos were smiling was because they were simply having fun. They were not conscious if they were not good at dancing. They just simply do it.
Aside from that, I also learned the names of the different zumba dances such as; meringue, samba, hip-hop, cha-cha-cha and tango. My personal favorite was samba, I find it as the funniest and the most challenging dance since I am not really good with moving my hips. Meringue, on the other hand, was my least favorite because it usually have actions that corresponds to the drum beats and I find it difficult.

As I became fond of doing zumba, I decided to enroll and take some actual zumba lessons. It was a great decision. I realized that zumba is really a great way of healthy living regardless of your age. Its effectiveness was evident and really differs from workouts. Below are some of my observations:

  1. Social connection. I observed that I am more likely to gain new friends in zumba classes than in workouts. The atmosphere between the two classes are really different;
    • In workouts, it is as if there is this small barrier or limit between the relationships of each person. Each one are so focused into counting one to eight and then reverse. All are conscious on the breathing patterns and proper positions and executions.
    • In zumba classes, it will not be an issue if you can perfectly execute the dances. The personal space of each student is comparably smaller and the mood of the class is just simply friendly.
  2. Motivation. I don’t know if you will agree on this but when I do push-ups, curl-ups and all other workout moves, it feels like an obligation ice cream with a little sprinkle of punishment on the top. Zumba sessions, on the other hand, feels like a party where your friends would confidently do random actions.
  3. Body movements. While I only use specific parts of my body in a particular part of a workout session; in zumba, I use my entire body all throughout the class.
  4. Time consumed. With workout sessions, it normally took me just around 10 minutes to sweat and to catch my breath as if I had just ran on a marathon with barking dogs behind me. 40 minutes later, I would have probably changed into two or three extra clothes. With Zumba sessions, the classes are longer and I would only change my clothes twice; during the break and before I go home.

Zumba class is truly fun and it has a lot of types too. You can choose from; zumba fitness (the standard class), zumba sentao (with a chair), aqua zumba (in the water), zumba kids (of course for kids) and a lot more.

Zumba may not burn you as much as the workout session does but it is still effective. John Porcari, Ph.D., of the Department of Exercise and Sport Science of University of Wisconsin-La Crosse said that ‘It is a total-body exercise; a good, high-energy aerobic workout…’

I am just one of the more than 10 million people of more than 110 countries who tried and enjoyed zumba. Surely, I did not have a great start off but what I experienced and realized on the latter part totally overruled my first impression. It will not only boost your confidence but will also improve your overall figure.

So, would you like to feel the music? Come join us at zumbasg
my very first zumba class
Check out our previous post

Monday 10 November 2014

How to become a Zumba Instructor

We all would comfortable that a person attending to anything is a certified professional. The same goes for a Zumba instructor. You will feel safe if a Zumba instructor has the license to conduct the Zumba dance classes. Sometimes you might attend a Zumba class and find that you are even better than the instructor is. Exercising with an untrained instructor might lead to introduction of dance moves that can cause injuries to the body.
Looking for a Zumba class in Singapore? Check this website out

zumba instructor singapore

Enroll in a Zumba dance class training

Zumba dance classes are recognized worldwide so it is easy to find an academy. Enroll for Zumba classes and start training. It is advisable to enroll in an accredited Zumba academy so that you get the best training and a valid license. Sometimes Zumba inst
ructors might enroll in bogus academies and end up with unrecognized licenses.

Complete the course to get certified

Just like any other learning process, make sure to complete so that you can be awarded a certificate of training. Not many people will believe you without a license. It will be hard to get new clients without a valid license. In addition, by completing the course, it prepares you to handle any type of Zumba dance.

Keep a current Zumba dance license

Now that you have your instructor license, it is important that you keep it updated at all times. When your license expires, it will be a bit hard to practice your lessons to clients. It is not hard to renew a license. Just visit a designated center where most instructors renew their licenses.

How to stay a better Zumba instructor

Keep on practicing

Working as a Zumba instructor is like any other job. You just have to be good at it. By practicing it on a regular basis, it helps to be creative to create new dance moves for your class. This is how instructors can become famous because of their signature dance moves.

Offer your services as a Zumba teacher

You can now offer to teach other Zumba instructors at other academies. This means that you can earn money from your skills. There is so much you can do as a Zumba instructor. 

Looking to teach Zumba Classes? Check us out!  ZumbaSG

Check out our previous post

Sunday 9 November 2014

Funny Zumba Images Online

So we were browsing through the net and look what images we found! LOL
Zumba Funny Moves

keep calm and zumba

workout for hunger games

grab a buddy and azumba

facebook zumba status

zumba dance e cards
Check out our previous post

Saturday 8 November 2014

Zumba Beginners Video

Zumba Beginners

Well today we would like to give those first-timers a feel of how Zumba is like! Check out this Zumba beginners course to know what is it like to Zumba!

Check out our previous post

Friday 7 November 2014

Welcome to our Blog

Our very first post we would like to welcome you to our blog, and hope to add value to your life. This blog is created to share various resources about Zumba happenings around Singapore and also to help give you tips about Zumba! We are bunch of Zumba enthusiast, that love all things about Zumba, we hope we can inspire you to join in the Zumba wave and be part of the millions who are Zumba-ing!

You can check out more post over here